Porlock Repair Cafe

A group of volunteers repairing household items for members of the community, to enable reuse and prevent things going to landfill.


Upcoming events

Monday, 17 February @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Green Illminster Share and Repair shop

18 silver street


Green Ilminster share and repair shop. We opened our doors in February 2022, with the aim of…

About our group

We repair all kinds of household items as long as they are able to be carried into our sessions. We also run a cafeteria where people can come together and socialise, or just wait while their item is being repaired.

Many things brought to us are old and have enormous sentimental value (teddy bears, ornaments, dolls, toys etc.) as well as the practical everyday goods. On average we repair nearly 85% of everything brought to us and so far we’ve repaired over a tonne in weight of products which would otherwise have gone to landfill waste.

Our main activities are electrical and electronic (kettles, toasters, radios, vacuum cleaners, lamps, CD players, garden machinery etc.), sharpening (garden shears, secateurs, scissors, knives etc.), sewing (minor repairs, zips, seams, buttons etc.) and mechanical (clocks, garden machinery etc.).

We operate from Porlock Village Hall, Toll Road, Porlock TA24 8QD


Dates for 2025…

January 25th
February 22nd
March 29th
April 26th
May 31st
June 28th
July 26th
August 30th
September 27th
October 25th
November none
December 6th

Our activities

Contact us

CAG Somerset News

Latest news from the Somerset community action groups

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Minehead Repair Cafe Launch

People powered change

We support and help community action groups who focus on re-use, repair, reduction, sharing, surplus food or composting.

A picture of a community allotment. wooden planters are in neat rows with small paths between them. Within the planters are different green leafy plants of varying heights. In some planters are canes growing peas. All plants appear to be seasonal summer vegetables. To the back right of the image are some sheds and the community allotment continues right through the image