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Thursday, 8 February 2024

Meet our new team member!

Welcome to Lucy Smith, our new East Somerset Coordinator

Lucy has joined Jinny and Amelia in supporting the lovely CAG network, organising training and events and identifying new opportunities for CAG Somerset.

Lucy’s background is setting up and running a not for Profit community venue in the heart of a rural town in Somerset. Before this role she was the sustainability Coordinator for Glastonbury Festival. Lucy has a strong understanding of community impact, the not for profit sector and sustainability at large temporary events. Lucy has over 5 years experience working within local communities and developing community-led services. She is skilled in project set-up, building projects from the ground up, supporting people and groups to take action and make a difference in their communities. She has a strong understanding of behavioural change within communities and the social impact groups have on the people connected to them. Here’s a quick introduction from Lucy:

Hi, I’m Lucy the East Somerset CAG coordinator.

I have been running a community venue for the last 5 years and I have witnessed the impact that community groups have on the people that use them and the community network. I’m a true believer that community action is one of the keys to the power of change within local networks.

Communities working together to reduce waste going to landfill by setting up groups that are inclusive and supportive to their cause have a real social impact and I love being able to support groups going forward with the help they might need. I’m looking forward to working with all the different community groups. If you would like to reach out my email is

*Photo of CAG Somerset and Fixy teams. Lucy Smith, CAG Somerset east coordinator pictured to the right in the blue coat.*

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A picture of a community allotment. wooden planters are in neat rows with small paths between them. Within the planters are different green leafy plants of varying heights. In some planters are canes growing peas. All plants appear to be seasonal summer vegetables. To the back right of the image are some sheds and the community allotment continues right through the image